The Department ofGeneral Medicine of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital ZhejiangUniversity School of Medicine is constructed with the aid of the Department ofGeneral Medicine of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Zhejiang University, School ofMedicine. Director FANG Lizheng is the academic leader while director ofteaching affairs DAI Honglei assumes the post of executive director. The Departmentnow owns 10 physicians (including 1 doctor, 1 doctoral candidate and 4 masters),2 chief physicians, 3 associate chief physicians, 3 attending physicians and 2resident physicians. Moreover, the Department of General Medicine has reached anagreement on “training of general practitioners” with Canada University ofAlberta to set up a training base for general practitioners in compliance withinternational standard, cultivate general medicine talents at primary level,bridge the gap of medical service among hospital, community and grass roots,and further promote tiered diagnosis and treatment.
TheDepartment is positioned at diagnosis & treatment and early intervention ofall kinds of symptomatology, common diseases and chronic diseases.
Based on the philosophy of “people-oriented”, the Department of GeneralMedicine provides integrated, coordinated and continuous health care services,stresses medical treatment quality, and dedicated to serving all patients inneed.
1. Diagnosis andtreatment of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases, e.g. hypertension,diabetes and HLP;
2. Patients withhealth problems or diseases that cannot be identified, in especial first-visitpatient;
3. Patients with multiplechronic diseases (except for severe complications requiring special treatment);
4. Health care fordiseases at early stage and convalescence, assessment and interventiontreatment of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseasesand other high risk factors;
5. Regularphysical examination and health consultation and assessment, follow-upexamination and intervention required after physical examination.