Department: GeneralMedicine Dept. of the FourthAffiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Title: Chief Physician
Position: AcademicLeader of the General Medicine Dept. of theFourth Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Specialty: In-depthresearch on and rich diagnosis & treatment experience in chronic diseases, metabolicdisorders, multi-organ and multi-system diseases, cardiovascular andcerebrovascular diseases, senile diseases and chronic diseases.
Introduction: Ms. Fanggraduated from Zhejiang MedicalUniversity (now known as Zhejiang University School of Medicine) in 1982,currently having 17 years of general medicine teachingexperience at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Zhejiang University School ofMedicine and over 30 years of working experience in clinical practice.
Academics and achievements: Vice-Chairmanof General Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association and Designate Chairmanof Branch of General Medicine of Zhejiang Medical Association; Chief Editor andDeputy Chief Editor of 6 programmed textbooks of general medicine of theMinistry of Health, facilitator of Zhejiang provincial key sci-tech researchprojects in a consecutive 4 years in the recent 5 years and author of more than40 SCI & core periodical papers in the recent three years. As a person incharge, she was granted the First Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of ZhejiangUniversity, the First Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of the Department ofEducation of Zhejiang Province, the Second Prize for Progress in Science andTechnology in Zhejiang Province and the Second Prize of Medical and HealthTechnology Awardof Zhejiang Province and the 11th Chinese Medical Doctor Award. Thenew general medicine teaching models and methods she has been advocating havebeen promoted and applied nationwide, highly recognized by the Ministry ofEducation, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, etc., and exertgreater influence on the national level.