Department: Endocrinology Dept. of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang UniversitySchool of Medicine
Title: ChiefPhysician, Doctoral Supervisor
Position: AcademicLeader of the Endocrinology Dept. of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang UniversitySchool of Medicine
Specialty: Diagnosisand treatment of diabetes and its complications, obesity, hypoglycemia, thyroidand parathyroid diseases, pituitary, adrenal and gonad diseases, growthretardation, osteoporosis and endocrine hypertension, etc.
Introduction: Ms. Ligraduated from the Zhejiang UniversitySchool of Medicine(formerly known as Zhejiang Medical University) in 1982, worked in the First Affiliated Hospital of the university thereafter and obtained theMaster’s Degree in Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases in 1989. She was once the Directorof the Endocrinology Department of the FirstAffiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University and later was transferred to the SirRun Run Shaw Hospital in 2006. Now she is the Director of Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital and Directorof Diabetes Center. Since the early 1990s, shehas successively been a visiting scholar and visitingprofessor in Medical University of Luebeck in Germany, America Joslin DiabetesCenter, MayoClinic, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Loma Linda University Health,etc. At the same time, she takes concurrent posts of the committee member of EndocrinologyBranch of Chinese Medical Association, standing committee member of the Endocrineand Metabolic Doctor Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Chairman of EndocrinologyBranch of Zhejiang Medical Association, Vice-Chairman of Zhejiang ProvinceAssociation of Chinese Integrative Medicine of Diabetes, Director of Editorial Officeof the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology (Chinese) and editorial board memberof Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, etc.
Academics and achievements: Ms.Li mainly conducts researches on diabetes and its chronic complications, obesityand metabolic syndrome. Having undertaken multiple national and provincialprojects as PI including National Natural Science Foundation of China, NationalScience and Technology Support Program (Sub-topic), Major Science and TechnologyProjects of Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang Provincial Natural ScienceFoundation, she has won 4 Science and Technology Awards at the Provincial and MinisterialLevels and published over 100 papers, among which more than 20 papers areincluded in SCI (as the first author or correspondent author).